

Just another one man corporation
Name Just another one man corporation
Ticker DALV
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 624557240

Members [0]


As the title says .. just another one man corporation...

So one day i was hanging around with some frigid amarrian chicks in the Station lounge. As i step up i see this awesome hot Minmatar chick, but through the crowd i loose her image. Few minutes later i was trying to get the bartenders attention in order to get my change, but it seemed that he was ignoring me. Gesticulating i accidentally spill a drink near me, looking to apologize i only manage to recognize the pretty Minmatar girl before i black out. I wake up next day in the Medical Bay, apparently everyone was either amused or too scared or too busy to stop the girl from kicking my ass.
I knew we had to be together so i ask her out on a date and she agrees, long story short we end up having a great time at the beginning of a what looked like the beginning of the most beautiful realtionship i have ever been involved in.
Unfortunately the girl had higher aspirations, she was unhappy with the simple life she was leading on the station. She also started seeing other men wich made me quite unhappy. I still loved her so i decided we should stay together.... you know .... we were still having a great time, or at least i did. I even got used to the fact that we were not living together anymore, she started living in one of the apartments one of her "friends" gave her. His name was Vladimir. One day i meet Vladimir in the Lounge, i knew this was bound to happen since he was hanging around there a lot pretending sometimes it's his place even though it was not ( that area like the rest of the station belonged to the corporation owning the station ). So i was sipping my Quafe when he comes to me and starts talking, i totally ignore him pretending i dont understand him since i do not like confrontations. You've guessed it next day i wake up in the medical bay with my girlfriend yealling at me that i provoked her "friend", and that he might be upset.
A few days after that i left her, since i realized she would be happier without me.
Turns out she is now a prostitute and Vladimir is her pimp. I met her a few times and of course i was asking myself what it was that i liked at her at the beginning. The only memory i had was a nice warm fuzzy romantic feeling whenever looking at her picture. I tried a few times to ask her if she was realizing what she was doing with her life. Her response varies from denial to complete acceptance.
So sad, she used to be such a sweet girl.

This is a riddle. Sara Letha solved it.

Yes i am EMO.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-05-28 08:00:14
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