

6Six6 Ltd.
Name 6Six6 Ltd.
Ticker 6S6
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Avatar Dragon
Members 6
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 98096806

Members [6]


We want to protect high sec against gankers.
Gankers will go to hell for their wrongdoing and we have Concord on our side (the virtual police). Having said that; Condord has not been succesful in making ganking fleets not profitable and ganks fleets have used game mechanics to manipulate Concord's Response.

We are an honest and truthful organizaton dedicated to fighting gankers in highsec of defenseless avatars like miners and freighters. If gankers want to PVP, fight under equal terns, using the war dec system, low sec, null sec and not kiling innocent people.

These gankers pertain to large corpprations whose ambition is to destroy high-sec so that blue-dot regions in their null sec become profitable as they freely mine there. They want to control prices so their ore is more valuable. If you check there kill-mail history, you will find that a 2 man gank kills at least 10 to 15 per day... with two Catalyst. At 20M each Catalyst, that is 40 M * 15 = 600 M isk per team, and they have many teams. Only null-sec corporatons can afford to waist this amount of money for their ultimate profit.

Who are those in real life we honor the very life we live in game.
Who sends monsters to kill others and sings that it has a purpose and that no grief will prevail.
Who teaches us what's real in game and how to laugh at lies.
Who felt pain at the pain it inflicted to others.
Who decides why we live and what will spend hours to defend.
Who follows evil and who follows honor an who hides under a fascade because its a game.
Who fights against crime, terrorism, the likes of mining gankers.
Who honors battle in low-sec and null-sec.
Who chains us and holds the the key that can set us straight.
Again.. who are those we honor in real life the very life we live in game.


6Six6 Ltd Oath.
Saint Michael the Archnagel; defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of high-sec gankers,, and the likes of boston bombers who kill innocent people, snares of the devil. Our gods rebuke them, we humbly pray and do thou trust them into hell and all the evil spiritis they possess, whom prowl about Eden seeking the ruin of souls and their grief.

Join us in this fight against the morraly insane gankers.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-09-27 08:41:11
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