

Aerial Boundaries Inc.
Name Aerial Boundaries Inc.
Ticker AB-I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 782650328

Members [0]


We are the carebears with claws and fangs. An ambitious corp with a broad spectrum of activities. We believe in wealthy members over a wealthy corp. Boasting a very active Board of Directors, with a strong belief in a democratic system, we _will_ ask our members what they think, early and often.
AB-I issues shares to proven members and works to improve everybodies wallets, not just the people in charge.

'AB-I - Making Shit for Everyone.'

Recruitment pitch:
Aerial Boundaries is looking for mature-minded players, 18 and over, in both Euro and US timezones. Newbies and veterans both happily accepted. We provide excellent basic training.
We seek intelligent resourceful pilots. Your SP doesn't matter, nor does your Eve knowledge. We want what's in your head. By which we mean your talent, not your juicy brains.

Convo or evemail Durdane.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 15:05:20
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