

NPC Corp Tax Evasion Module
Name NPC Corp Tax Evasion Module
Ticker NPCCT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 836569506

Members [0]



by Caradoc Vreichvras




Synthesis of Reason

A Study in Creation, Perceived Reality, Alternate Reality,
Mind Control, Altered States, Alternate Realities, and Parallel Universes....

Best viewed in a Out of Game Browser

It can be best described as an interactive, evolving on-line book. It follows a linear path but some points involve choices. The book is a work in progress and is constantly changing. It encompasses Science Fiction, Fantasy, War, Poetry, Prose, Short Fiction: All tied together with a common theme that becomes more apparent as the story unfolds in a stream of consciousness manner. Feel free to Eve-mail me with any questions, criticisms, or comments.

Also it employs the use of color coding what some of the major characters in the story say. IE red is from the same person, green, pink etc. It also may employ standard designation such as:
Trinitty said, "There is no spoon..." with out the use of the standard colors which designate that character in the story. To grasp the story you must view the site as an all encompassing stream of consciousness tied together in a interactive tapestry.

For clues as to the Triumvirate of players within the framework of the story please see the "Panty Raid" post at:


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 08:44:36
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