

Astral Exploration Regiment
Name Astral Exploration Regiment
Ticker -AER-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 927074242

Members [0]


The Astral Exploration Regiment [-AER-] was formed due to the increasing threats rising to power and the need for munitions and materials to expand as new regions of space are explored. It acts as both a tactical defense force and full service industry to ensure security and expansion to all within its reach.


We are seeking friendly and active pilots interested in:
* Mining (High/Low Sec. w/ POS)
* Complex & Mission Operations
* PvP & Training Operations
* All aspects of Exploration
* All aspects of Industry
* Logistics & Support

Corporation Features:
* Friendly, supporting and mature environment
* Free Osprey/Scythe cruisers & Retrievers
* Frequent corporate & alliance events/ops
* Work together in frequent mission fleets
* Limited vessel support and replacement
* Friendly alliance with the same values
* Multiple weekly mining fleet operations
* POS mining base & research station
* Corporate mineral purchase program
* Based in high & low security space
* 0.0 Access & CVA friendly
* Low Sec. & 0.0 PvP
* Voice chat services
* Anti-Pirate/NRDS (Not Red, Don't Shoot.)

Minimum Requirements:
4 million or higher skillpoints & 0.0 or higher security status

-AER- Contacts:
U.S./Other: Argo Marauder
Aus./Euro: Upskirt

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-11 15:50:21
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