

Ghosts of 13TH Dimension
Name Ghosts of 13TH Dimension
Ticker G13D
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98020931

Members [0]


"Souls lost in space fly to the dimensions and beyond. We are ghosts, together for Combat, War and Victory.
13 they call us a random number with a random fate."

Looking for Mature Active or Casual Souls for all combat arts, PVP in 0.0 Syndicate to ISK making pve missions.
New player friendly with eve knowledge to help out the learning curve. Veteran pilots who want a change for fun
pew pew with no Drama or Politics.

* PVP in 0.0 Syndicate
* Allaince PVP ops and Killboards
* Steady ISK PVE missions
* 0% Corp Taxes
* Experienced Eve Knowledge
* New Player Friendly for new pvp pilots
* No Drama or Politics
* Active or Casual we are here for fun
* Ventrillo Voice comms

"A Dimension is a doorway to the unknowen, a place of Blackness, beauty, chaos and randomness."

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-02-27 08:23:28
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API J:22 Dec 05:22 K:22 Dec 05:21 C:22 Dec 04:01 A:22 Dec 05:34 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Dec 05:21 S:22 Dec 05:35 W:22 Dec 05:15