For all potential recruits or Corporation diplos please join "Goa'uld Pub" channel to speak with members and/or recruiters.
For all members, skill books and ships are 1/4 price as long as said members abide to the preset training queue.
After a 4-5 month training queue has been completed and skills are where they need to be and we have enough members we will slowly be allowed down to 0.0 where my bestest friends have some nice safe manufacturing systems for our pickings.
We have:
+1/4 price skillbooks
+1/4 price retrievers/ Abbadons/ Hulks
+Orca Mining Support
+high security research POS
+0.0 space
+rorqual mining support (0.0 space only)
+cookies(All flavors and sizes)
If you are interested in joining please apply to the corp on the bottom right hand corner of this screen. In your application must be included you User ID and API Key. If you need help finding these feel free to contact
Vala Mal Doran or really any other member.