

Tengu Warriors
Name Tengu Warriors
Ticker TWOG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98039302

Members [0]


Tengu warriors, is now recruting.

We are a new started corp in a already established in low sec alliance around The placid region, we are looking for Pirates, carebears and Industrialsts, we are a a part of a smaller alliance who whats to have fun and make iskies while doing it. it doesent matter if u are new to pvp, or just want a relaxed enviorament with some funny alliance people.

we recencently reseted our standings towards, chain of Chaos (alliance turnament participants) and War and pestilence. so plenty of targets to pick on in the region as well.

we also have Coalition alliances, in the area for strenghtend effect of our pressence.

We offer:
a relaxed and mature environment (where everyone does what they want when they want.)
access to 0.0 ratting and pvp
Low sec piracy
roams in low sec & 0.0
high sec mission running.

We want u to bring:
urself and a possitive attitude.
a toon able to flying a battlecruiser. (Pirate prospects needs to be able to fit tackle)
comms (ours is vent atm - abt to move to a TS3)
able to speak english (as most of us is EU TZ players)

Casper Centurion (Director)(Gatling Penguins)
Silas Centurion (CEO)(Tengu Warriors)

If interrested check out our killbord:

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-04-09 06:41:26
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