

Eternal Legion
Name Eternal Legion
Ticker ETLEG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98047570

Members [0]


Eternal means more than forever and Legion is many.

Old Roman Empire (whatever it was we don't know but there is references to pointing on it) army was build from legions.
Legion was the tool of it. Legion built bridges, fortifications and road networks. It fought for the Roman Empire. It looted and pillaged foreign cities and maintained order over Roman lands. SO it could be said that legion wasn't just a army. It was collection of people with many trades, soldiers, craftsman, smiths, leaders, cooks, wagon drivers and so on. AfteRoman Empire we still hear the name of Legion in services of different armies. French Foreign Legion, German SS Legions, Luftwaffe Legion Condor and so on. We don't know what nations those were. But again Legion have appeared in EVE.

Therefore we can call it Eternal Legion as legions appears throughout times. This Eternal Legion will stay in hearts of foe and friend. For foe its nightmare and for friend it is helping hand.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-01-17 08:24:24
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