

Monty Python Inc.
Name Monty Python Inc.
Ticker MPYI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 6%
corporationID 98097445

Members [0]


Here at the Ministry of silly walks we have a friendly corp looking to develop into all aspects of the Eve game world. We welcome any applications from young or old players.

We provide
* A corp ore buying scheme and weekly bonuses for miners.
* Comprehensive help to new players in understanding the game
* Some modules/ships to help new players along
* Fleeting for missions to help raise standings quickly and also to help with quicker earning of those Isk'ies :D

Short Term Ambitions

* Grow membership to 20 reliable and active players
* Increase our manufacturing output and trading base
* Raise standings for all members with our chosen NPC corps to tax free levels
* Be able to operate as a coordinated fleet when required
* Have all players committed and contributing to making the corp a success and wanting to be a part of the team

Mid Term

* Increase membership gradually to sustain good communication with all players
* Create a solid mining operation to backup our industrial output
* Increase our number and location of offices
* Invest in more POS infrastructure

We have ambition but above all we play to enjoy ourselves and have fun.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 00:11:28
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