

Otherwise Eternal
Name Otherwise Eternal
Ticker SECUS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98127262

Members [0]


Otherwise is a security and recruitment corporation for the Jokers Wild alliance. Otherwise itself is not recruiting but if you are interested in become a security or recruitment officer please refer to the contact info below. This is also a holding corporation for individuals that cannot yet be placed within the other corporations of Jokers Wild.

Recruitment & Diplomatic Contact: Alric Rosenthal

What do we expect of a pilot?
★ Participation – Real life comes first but a degree of activity is expected.
★ Voice Communications – Members are expected to use the provided voice communications.
★ Common Sense - Members are expected to display a degree of common sense. Sadly there is nothing common about common sense.
★ Other Requirements - Individual corporations within the alliance may have other requirements.

What can a pilot expect of us?
★ Voice Communications – We provide a means for you to communicate via voice.
★ Extremely Active Corporation & Associated Friendlies – Jokers Wild is extremely active during most time zones. There is always someone on to talk to. Average Online: 35 Online Ranges: 10 - 50
★ Friendly & Mature Members – The members of Jokers Wild are for the most part friendly and mature, ranging in age between twenty and sixty.
★ Other Benefits - Individual corporations within the alliance may have other benefits to include ship replacement, ore buyout, insurance compensation, investment payout, and other programs.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-11-12 08:30:04
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