Over the past four weeks, Diminished Responsibilty has been faithfully serving the greater EVE community by providing an exclusively free Industrial Griefing Programme.
Yes, we're that well established.
So, if someone's upset you, and you're not man enough to deal with it, contact
Vojk with an alt to hide your shame, and if he's not too busy, he'll kill the three week old miner that's been 'stealing your roids' for you.
Our service is completely free of charge, however
donations and
doobies are always welcome.
Please direct your forum alt to the 'Dude where's my barge?' channel in game, and we'll thrash out a cunning plan to blast that pesky nub into the nearest partially mined lump of Kernite (or Plagioclase depending where you live).
We're not currently hiring, however if our line of work is something you'd like to be involved with, please contact us and we can point you towards people with far fewer scruples than we.