

Fire Enterprises
Name Fire Enterprises
Ticker F1R3E
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98166509

Members [0]


Fire Enterprises is the mining and industrial branch of Sanctus Sapientia. Our corp offers a significant number of benefits to our miners and indy specialists. We welcome both new and experienced players who are eager to learn, socialize, and participate within our group.

Diplomacy and Recruitment:
Sapientia Embassy

Fire Recruitment

Conduct Policy: We have a policy of engaging in fair play and fair fights. We do not condone ganking, scamming, or harrassment by our members. If you witness any such behavior or have a grievance with any of our pilots, please do not hesitate to notify us so we can attempt to remedy the situation.

Thinking About Wardeccing Us? Be advised we are under the protection of The Ghost Army and The Marmite Collective. If you wardec us, be prepared for a fight with them as well; they will not hesitate to join us as allies in any war or to wardec you independently in response.

Friendly Neighbors Open to Diplomatic Relations.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-07-23 08:19:03
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