

Neanderthal Nation
Name Neanderthal Nation
Ticker XNTNX
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98171591

Members [0]


Welcome to Neaderthal Nation! NTN is a corporation that functions as a Positive Enviornment for every class of gamer. We the CEO, Directors, and our Allied forces strive for some of these CORE FUNDAMENTALS: Ability to learn teamwork, Aide or Assist others in training(Role Specific), Help improve each other, and BEST OF ALL - Building Trusted Friendships. We strive to teach how squad based tactics work and become Battle Ready for PLANETARY CONQUEST(PC Battle) with Guidance from some Allied Elite Players!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-02-14 08:34:56
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API J:17 Mar 21:38 K:17 Mar 21:34 C:17 Mar 22:07 A:17 Mar 22:03 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:17 Mar 21:48 S:17 Mar 21:33 W:17 Mar 21:15