

Hextech Imperium Vanguard
Name Hextech Imperium Vanguard
Ticker VGRD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 11.5%
corporationID 98200519

Members [0]


Hextech is looking for new and seasoned pilots for a wide variety of Eve activities.

We are a group of players from a wide variety of backgrounds. We believe in cohesive tactics and that player competency is a greater asset than high skill point totals.

We are current looking for:
* Beginning as well as experienced players.
* Mission runners.
* Explorers.
* Incursion pilots.
* WH pilots.

We can offer you:
* A relaxed environment for new and old players to learn together.
* Fleet fits for both high and low SP players.
* WH exploration
* Small gang PVP roams
* Incursion fleets.

* Full character API.
* Website registration. (
* Friendly and mature players.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-03 23:05:07
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API J:11 Mar 05:37 K:11 Mar 05:33 C:11 Mar 06:26 A:11 Mar 06:18 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:11 Mar 06:07 S:11 Mar 05:42 W:11 Mar 06:15