

Dark Wing of the Void.
Name Dark Wing of the Void.
Ticker .DWV.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98204290

Members [0]


After all of New Eden was colonized, war and personal gain became more important that human survival. Dictators came to power and used aristocracies as a way to convince the public that their opinions still mattered, and for what reason . . . personal wealth.

Then came the capsuleer, a being that was made immortal, able to transcend the bounds of their bodies and could pilot colossal ships on their own through thought alone. The capsuleers started off by serving their respective empires, fighting and re-shipping over and over again in the endless war that is New Eden. Soon the capsuleers began to form alliances between themselves, taking the once lawless and largely unexplored spaces as their own. These capsuleer empires now begin to rival even the empires of old, in both space and numbers. Still, certain capsuleers used their charisma to become dictators like the ones of the old empires, wheeling and dealing with the other empires in back rooms to keep the balance of power in check, and what is the end goal in all this . . . personal wealth.

We are a corporation that strays away from dictators, known empires, and corruption. We have a hierarchy that is non-linear, roles are meant to fill needs within the corporation; gone are the days of the "corporate ladder". We live in the most unknown reaches of space, never in one static spot. We live in a wormhole.

All capsuleers are welcome, we have no requirements, and all capsuleers will find a niche in our non-linear hierarcy. We fight for what is right, but it is we who dictate what is right. Our ideals will clash with others, and when they do it will end in fire! but . . .

"Out of the ashes we will rise, out of this hell, we will awaken!"

If you feel that our ideals match your own's, then feel free to drop by our public channel " The Brotherhood. ". We look forward to seeing you help our corporation and alliance grow as a whole.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-08-12 08:03:43
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