

Band-aids for Bullet Holes
Name Band-aids for Bullet Holes
Ticker B4BH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98408308

Members [0]


u'We are a corp that is focused on running Incursions. We welcome all players for new to old form Alphas to Omegas. If you are looking for a place to run Incursions you have fond a home with low tax rate. We know that there are other corps out there that my offer a 0% tax rate, but we are not one of them. Taxes are used to help new members. They could use our help form skill books to that last mod they need to fit their ship. This is just one example of how your tax isk may be spent. As the corp grows I\u2019m sure out needs will grow with them. The corp is committed to help out everyone form the new player that just started there eve life to the vets who may have spent time in Null or J spaces even if you have another Toons that\u2019s not a problem we just ask that you do not bring their problems in to the corp. Members of the corp are here to lean and run incursions. If you have any questions fell free to join us in B4BH Recruit or you can also reach out to Darth Eaglee. as we crow a discored server will be setup if and when it is needed '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2023-03-19 20:14:04
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