

Matar Free Republic
Name Matar Free Republic
Ticker -MFR-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98427955

Members [0]


u'Matar Free Republic is a new player recruiting corporation designed to help players adjust to the fierce learning curve of Eve. We focus primarily on factional warfare, dedicated to the Minmatar ONLY, but are not closed minded to other activities in-game. However, we are a PvP/PvE ONLY Corporation and organization. Those who are interested in learning and expanding your skills with having limited skill points this a great place to start.

We regularly run fleets with our allied alliances and corporations and will always faithfully answer their call to arms. We welcome all types of tactics and player preferred playing types from solo PvP/PvE to large fleet PvP/PvE. This corporation does not dictate how you PvP/PvE, we just ask that you make sure you are informed and do so wisely.

Matar Free Republic OPEN

*All applicants must be of Minmatar race
*No headset is required unless you wish to fleet
*No API is required for general membership
*When submitting your application please send a short introduction:
-What time zone you\u2019re in
-Your age/gender
-What you\u2019re interested in learning
-What experience you have so far
*Please inform us whether or not you have a trial account

The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone.

For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully.

If ever there was a time to rise \u2013 if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers \u2013 that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors\' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken.

Brothers, we must rise.

-Sanmatar Malaetu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head
Speaking before the Tribal Council
November 27th, YC 107'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2022-09-16 08:37:33
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