

Serpentiss Academy
Name Serpentiss Academy
Ticker SRP-A
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 20%
corporationID 98534550

Members [0]


Serpentiss Academy
- Together Everyone Accomplishes More -

We are the Start of your Null Sec Career in New Eden
if you want to learn how to be a combat pilot, Miner,
industrlist, Fleet Commander, or Just want to make
friends in the game Serpentiss Academy will help you
become ready for Null Sec

When you Start EvE as an Alpha the Training provided by CCP
only gets you the very basics of how to use the game
Serpentiss Academy gets you training from Null Sec pilots
who give some of their game time to help you

Once you Graduate from the Academy you will be able to Join
one of the Member Corps of Serpentiss Associates

*Requirements to Apply*

* Alpha or Omega with less than 5mill SP
* New or Returning PLayer
* Full Account API
* Team Speak 3 (with Mic) & Discord Access
* Willingness to Learn
* Not Afraid to Loos a few ships ( some Ship Replacement programs operate )
* Not a Dickhead we want players that treat eachother with respect
* A Desire to grow your charater beyond 5mill SP into an Omega Clone and Join one of our Main Corps

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-04-28 09:15:49
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API J:20 Dec 15:22 K:20 Dec 15:21 C:20 Dec 16:00 A:20 Dec 16:03 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:20 Dec 15:51 S:20 Dec 15:33 W:20 Dec 15:15