

Name Hakkapeliitat
Ticker HAKPE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98553891

Members [0]


Hakkapeliitta (Finnish pl. hakkapeliitat) is a historiographical term used for a Finnish light cavalryman in the service of King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden during the Thirty Years' War (1618 to 1648). Hakkapeliitta is a 19th-century Finnish modification of a contemporary name given by foreigners in the Holy Roman Empire and variously spelled as Hackapelit, Hackapelite, Hackapell, Haccapelit, or Haccapelite. These terms were based on a Finnish battle cry "Hakkaa päälle!" commonly translated as "Cut them down!"

The Hakkapeliitta were well-trained Finnish light cavalrymen who excelled in sudden and savage attacks, raiding and reconnaissance. The greatest advantage of the fast and lightly armored Hakkapeliitta cavalry was its charge. They typically had a sword, a helmet, and leather armor or a breastplate of steel. They would attack at a full gallop, fire the first pistol at twenty paces and the second at five paces, and then draw the sword. The horse itself was used like another weapon, as it was used to trample enemy infantry.

Cut them down, son of the North!

Gustavus Adolphus
Libera et impera
Arcembus et inges
Augusta per angusta
Gustavus Adolphus ut fructum!
Libera, Impera!
Acerbus et ingens ut fructum!
Libera, Impera!

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The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2019-01-28 21:09:51
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