

Bomber's Bar Inc.
Name Bomber's Bar Inc.
Ticker BOMIN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98570908

Members [0]


Welcome to Destroyer's Bar. We fly the most dps for the least isk. Anyone can fly, and afford to lose the ships we fly, but through strength of numbers, we generate more fun per isk and skill point you spend with us, than you'll typically get anywhere else. Get kills, lose a little, win, (and learn), a lot, with Destroyer's Bar.

The rules are simple: There's two ships that we fly: Doctrine Corax, Doctrine Talwar, (modified as needed). These ships do 100dps, cost 2 mil each, and are effective at 50 km. Destroyers deal more dps per isk than any other ship class, and don't require a year of grinding in the game to get into, but are not typically assembled in enough quantity to do any real damage. We aim to change this.

That's why we're recruiting. Join us with an alt, join us with your main, you'll get 5 mil. isk. For every other character who joins and mails Locke Enderas your name, we'll credit you with 5 mil. (Once we gather 1000 pilots, the isk will be paid out.)

Hope to see you with us, this could be fun. o7

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-08-19 11:32:27
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