

Name GoonSorm
Ticker GUUNY
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98600836

Members [0]


new corp laid back i do mining, do what ever makes you happy we sell shares to the corp members 400 shares are up for grabs its 1 billion per share of the corp and income made is given out to share holders 1 share gives 1.00% of profits for that month we hold a ship game once a month winner gets 10mill as a prize we do a raffel every month for a ship or pos or isk prize we have a lotto anyone can take part in the lotto even non corp members tickets start at 100,000.00 isk each drawing is on the last friday of every month as of last month the prize it up to 235billion isk talk to Donna Dover for tickets or solen banks we have a 4.0 tax on mission runing in the corp we have a mining pos we move around when we get war decked we take down the pos ending the war wait 2 days and put it back up or move it into a wh for null mining. thats about it anyone is welcome if you wish to buy out the corp talk to corp ceo right now corp buy out is only 5 billion isk and a corp transfer fee of 150,000.00 isk and you can become the new ceo of the corp.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2022-03-02 20:52:14
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