Divinity Social Machine Inteligence Holdings, Inc.
Aquired in YC123 by House Deritan, Duchy of Fekhoya, Khanid Kingdom
DSMI, head by
Lady Consort Yvane Colette Aselin-Duvaul Deritan is the Entertainment, Media, and News branch of the
Duchy of Fekhoya.
Present holdings include:
* Divinity Social
Divinity Social (IC) - A virtual hangout where you can kick back and make a friend or meet a lover.
This is the DS Social Hub featuring the NEVRLand full vR technology. [RP Location]
* Fekhoya News Network [FNN] - Galnet news and infotainment from Fekhora and byond
Business inquiries can be directed to the
DSMI Office - HQ [RP Location]
This is a pure RP corp. Applicants are welcome if the premise interests them. All persons interested in RP are encouraged to at least make contact.
Open Positions for:
* Reporters / Journalists
* Functionaries
* General office staff
Actual in-game activities include PVE mission running and Duchy Mining Ops