u'Recruitment is open for
We are a friendly corp living in Null and Highsec and we\'re looking for more pilots to join us....if you\'re active and meet the requirements to join
9 Dimensions you can apply and or join our public channel for more info.
We offer:
\u2605 Very active Corp all TZ\'s,with lots of activites.
\u2605 Very active alliance with experienced players.
\u2605 Daily Nullsec PVP.
\u2605 High/Null sec offices.
We\'re looking for:
\u2605 5mill sp minimum
\u2605 Very active and 18+
\u2605 pvp\'r or willing to learn to pvp
\u2605 Api key needed
\u2605 Headset/mic TS required
If you are intrested msg/mail
Zombeh or
Wayne storm or join our public channel 9D public'