

Ashimmu Commonwealth
Universal Union.
Name Ashimmu Commonwealth
Ticker MOL0K
Alliance Universal Union.
Faction -
Ceo Ammatar Stratalis Voidstrider
Members 1
Tax Rate 21.4%
corporationID 98782092

Members [1]


The Ashimmu Commonwealth is a civilian establishment under the Universal Union. It takes inspiration from Amarr society, however it is way more progressive, such as condemning racism and Amarrian religions. The religious acts of Ashimmu people are more focused on coming to terms with the universe rather than fantasies. Although a peaceful civilian entity, the Commonwealth is fitted with its own elite Navy capable of defending the citizens by no means necceseary. Ran by the Voidstrider family, the Ashimmu Commonwealth is one of the most valued entities in the Union.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-22 09:33:28
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