

Ballistic Therapy
Name Ballistic Therapy
Ticker BALL-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Nattaku Rantarii
Members 4
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98257745

Members [4]


Ballistic Therapy is a corporation dedicated to preparing people for life in low sec/npc 0.0/Sov, by teaching even the newest recruit survival skills, combat skills, and methods of isk making.

This isn't a classroom with desks and pens, but one with lasers, missiles, drones, and blood

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-16 21:49:33
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API J:17 Dec 00:21 K:17 Dec 00:21 C:17 Dec 00:01 A:17 Dec 00:23 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:17 Dec 00:19 S:16 Dec 23:31 W:17 Dec 00:15