

Boob Heads
Name Boob Heads
Ticker BOOB.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Phunotos
Members 37
Tax Rate 0.1%
corporationID 677030165

Members [37]


Public channel : BooB's

[21:55:09] IWishIWasAWookie > Reason 1: You are literally the dumbest person anyone has ever let into corp.
Reason 2: You are an intolerable shitlord.
Reason 3: Holy shit you are stupid

TH1NK3R1 - 'Take drugs'. Davo - 'I can't, I don't have cap, I'm dead' (Ratting in a Dread). Davo, Oct 2020

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 19:35:59
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API J:22 Feb 01:57 K:22 Feb 01:43 C:22 Feb 02:00 A:22 Feb 02:34 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 02:28 S:22 Feb 02:34 W:22 Feb 02:15