u'BroFleet is the main corporation of
Projectile Dysfunction, a null alliance living in the south. Brand new players should apply to join
BroFleet Newbies, our NewBro corporation in our high sec alliance,
Projectile Malfunction.
Finn Moliko (EN)
Vladd Bakorovich (EN)
Fayt VII (DE)
STUFF ABOUT OUR CORP\u25a0 10M SP and Above
\u25a0 Omega Required
\u25a0 Fleets and Roams
\u25a0 Ship Replacement Program (Strat Ops)
\u25a0 Moons, Ore, & Ice
\u25a0 Helpful Alliance Members
\u25a0 Toxicity Free Atmosphere
\u25a0 Mumble/Discord/Forums/Reddit
\u25a0 LGBTQIA+ Friendly
\u25a0 Mumble and Discord REQUIRED
If you want to apply to BroFleet there are 3 easy steps:
Go to our auth service and create your profile 2). Fill out the short application under \'applications\' form for BroFleet.
3). Register all your characters in \'Member Audit\' so they\'re viewable by a recruiter.
Once you\'ve done this check your notifications on AUTH to see what\'s happening with your app.
BroFleet Chat to talk to our recruiters and ask questions'