

Caldari Navy 11th Expeditionary Fleet
Name Caldari Navy 11th Expeditionary Fleet
Ticker CN11E
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Captain Toyotomi
Members 2
Tax Rate 1.5%
corporationID 98663808

Members [2]


* The Caldari Navy 11th Expeditionary Fleet *

This branch of the Caldari Navy specializes in the exploration and discovery of deep space phenomenon through access to Wormholes voyages into Null Sec space and the advanced use of Astrometric navigation.

The mandate of this branch of the Caldari fleet is to utilize small fleet tactics and warfare in conjunction with scientific research and the advanced use of scanning equipment to explore, chart, and ultimately procure resources for the advancement of the Caldari State interests in non-secure or unestablished systems.

Pilot applicants are expected to have an adept understanding of Caldari State vessels and will be supllied with ships (Security Division, Science Division) equipt with adequate firepower or advanced scientific equipment to fill a role within the fleet.

Security Personnel: will be required to clear all threats from regions of space determined to be viable by research vessels.

Research Scientists: will make use of scanning and hacking equipment to identify and recover valuable resources.

Caldari Navy 11th Fleet Flagship: Daimyo II

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-20 19:19:43
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