Veni Vidi Mousey
Thantha - dealeth mixed damage
Therpentith - dealeth thermal & kinetic
Gurithtath - dealeth kinetic & thome thermal
We live in a pocket of high thec located near Thantha Incurions. We are thpecifically looking for minerth who are active during the day, and ratterth who are active at night. We are located right necth to
Thyndicate, which has NPC thationz, planetary induthry, bithot, ithe, arkonor, hedbergite, thadow therpentith ethcalationz, relic thiethz, and belt ratting with 100% bounty rewardth! Apply today on channel: Neko Labs Veni Vidi Veldspar
Ore Buyback Prices October 2024Pristine Jaspet - 500
Pure Jaspet - 490
Jaspet - 470
Bistot - 2300
Triclinic Bistot - 2415
Monoclinic Bistot - 2530
Hedbergite - 950
Vitric Hedbergite - 1000
Glazed Hedbergite - 1050
Golden Omber - 240
Silvery Omber - 231
Omber - 222
Massive Scordite - 13.90
Condensed Scordite - 12.80
Scordite - 12.50
Rich Plagioclase - 41.50
Azure Plagioclase - 39.40
Plagioclase - 38.00
Dense Veldspar - 13.33
Concentrated Veldspar - 13.00
Veldspar - 12.80
Gas Buyback Prices October 2024C540 - 51660
C320 - 32130
C84 - 10810
C72 - 9180
C70 - 7433
C60 - 5031
C50 - 5332
C32 - 24330
C28 - 11150
Allies & NAPs
Cambridge Mountain Rescue