Welcome to ST0NX. We are an Anti-establishment, anti-piracy coalition.
Join us for
- Organised Highsec Mining Fleets with free max skilled orca boosts (Ice or Ores)
- Organised Lowsec mining fleets (sweet sweet crokite)
- Organised wormhole / Nullsec Ninja Mining / GAs huffing opportunities
- 90% Jitabuy buyback for all loot / Ores mined
- Cheap Corp Freighter / Jump freighter services anywhere in new eden
- Indy Cyno Network in most lowsec pockets
Would you like to join us? or even just to get in on our mining fleets? send a mail to
Goner Maleggies For cheap Freighter/JF service, contact
Goner Maleggies Nothing to see here FCC. No tax dodge happening here.
Proudly serving honorable members of society.
Retaining Value, Creating Jobs