

Celestial enforcers corporation
Name Celestial enforcers corporation
Ticker CENFO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo ZYK 7
Members 3
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98761282

Members [3]


Welcome to this just started corp!

- This corp is to ensure protection and security to all those pilots that are in need, like miners, newbros, etc.

- We are in need of people to help at getting more resources so we can defend others by reconnaisance, fighting, disrupting, etc., this includes Mining, NPC Mission running.

- Also this corp is to help new players to get along with the game... believe me, it is very hard to be alone!

- You may learn some important thing within the corp as well!

+ Alphas and Omegas are welcome.
+ You can receive starting ships and equipment or money if necessary.
+ If you want the referal link to receive 1 million Skill Point, you can DM me.
+ Newbros focused.
+ Veterans can also come in.

*Also, if you don't want to do anything, at the you may have the advantage that the corp tax is lower than the NPC's school (Like Republic Military School) and also that means that you can get returns of your money if you help with the cause.

Espa\xf1ol / English / French speakers admitted.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-06-01 21:38:04
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