

Clear Thought Research and Development
Name Clear Thought Research and Development
Ticker CTRAD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Toby tallywhacker
Members 2
Tax Rate 1.5%
corporationID 98091543

Members [2]


--Clear Thought Research and Development--

We are a mining and industrial corporation looking to provide a strong relation between members and contacts in order to build a beneficial and fun enviornment for our members.

We aim to guide and advise newer players in the mining and industrial fields.
We aim to provide all the relative bonuses to mining and industry we can and more.
We would like to gather players that endeavor to make the most of manufacturing, mining, trade and even missions.
Gaining the standings for high lvl missions-- we will run missions as often as there is a demand for them to help gain the proper standings for all members--
Manufacturing for the Corp. - We will gather materials on behalf of the corporation and manufacture goods to sell, and split profit or reserve for Corp use.

What we require-
Maturity, adaptability, and a sense of respect for other players.
We need to handle issuese and events properly, be able to adapt to changing circumstances and always have respect for fellow corp members whether they play the same way or not.
NRDS policy. aka- not red don't shoot.

What are we looking for in pilots-
-*New Pilots*-
Cooperative pilots.
mining and industry skilled pilots
Mission runners
Friendly attitude

Questions? -> Alysur Dios'l

---< Recruiting Open >---

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 22:27:49
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