Cold Steel Warriors Mission
The core business of Cold Steel Warriors is, through the actions of her members, advance the interests of Cold Steel Warriors.
Core Interests
Obviously any ambitious corporation has a wide variety of interests, and it would be pointless to list them all, as it would include most aspects of the game. However we do have a short list of activities that we name "Core Interests". These are activities that we deem to be essential to what it means to be Cold Steel Warriors. A short list of these, in no particular order, follows.
1. Corporation Mission running.
Running missions as groups with the aim of improving corporation and personal standings with NPCs and gain ISK. This does not just include running high level missions in Battleships, but also running level 1, 2 and 3 missions with newer players in order to aid their development as a player and member of Cold Steel Warriors.
2. Corporation Deadspace 'Plexing.
Clearing Deadspace Complexes as groups in order to improve standing, gain ISK and rare loot for members and the corporation. As with serial 1, this also includes helping newer players as required.
3. Corporation Mining operations.
Mining is the lifeblood of the Eve universe, and thus as a corporation we need to support our miners and enable them to enable us. In order to do this the corporation runs group mining operations including all types of players - Miners, combat pilots, scanners, haulers, scouts etcetera. When running official corporate mining operations the ore and minerals are used by the corporation to fuel the fledgling Ship Building Program.
4. Work towards corporation Jump Clones.
Jump clones are a very useful tool for any player, but especially one engaging in Player versus Player combat in low security sectors. As a corporation we aim to raise standings with serveral NPC corporations to allow any member to easily access this feature.
5. Establish a Player Owned Station (POS) in Worm Hole space.
A longer term goal is to establish a POS in a Worm Hole. This will give the corporation a strong cohesive goal, binding together all types of player due to the need to defend, fuel, equip, build from, research etcetera.
6. Recruit strong new members.
In order to build and maintain the strength of Cold Steel Warriors new members must be recruited whenever a suitable person is found. Of course care is taken to select only the appropriate pilots in order to ensure that spies do not enter.
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-01-04 21:08:37