Welcome to the Confederation of Malefactors. Our purpose is to help you learn the complexities of this game.
Eve is a fantastic game because it does not set rules on player interactions. There is danger everywhere and you only have your wits, and closest friends for protection. Many leave the game frustrated because they can't quite figure it out.
For those that stay is a rich and rewarding experience with conflict, success, and failures. Intrigue with spies and wars all created by the players. The content for this game comes from each of us.
This is where we can help. Our goal is to provide new players with tools that other coorperations want in their players. We will teach you about your chosen profession, how to survive in eve, and finally help you find a corp focused on your profession.
Of course those who want to stay and become trainers are welcome to.
For More info convo or send and Eve mail to
Anastrianna StormHeart,
Thantos Fiend,
Aeliyah Thor18+ members only.
Recruitment Is OPEN.