

Czech Interstellar Incorporated
Name Czech Interstellar Incorporated
Ticker CZ-I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Eudesueur Pappotte
Members 5
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98474172

Members [5]


u'Zdrav\xed v\xe1s \u010desk\xe1 null-secov\xe1 korporace \u017eij\xedc\xed v regionu Malpais.
Zam\u011b\u0159ujeme se na aktivity od t\u011b\u017een\xed, p\u0159es mise a exploraci a\u017e k solo a small-gang PVP aktivit\xe1m typu gatecamping, nebo roamov\xe1n\xed po na\u0161em okol\xed. \u0160kol\xedme piloty pro v\u0161echny p\u0159\xedpady a samy se \xfa\u010dastn\xedme PVP akc\xedch po\u0159\xe1dan\xe9 koalic\xed.



We are Czech and Slovak only corporation, specializing in industry and group PVP. If you wish to engage in diplomacy, contact any of diplo contacts listed below.

Public Channel: CZ-I Pub '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-22 09:00:24
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