

Solyaris Chtonium
Name DAB
Ticker DAB
Alliance Solyaris Chtonium
Faction -
Ceo djNME
Members 24
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 587355246

Members [24]


Dark Angel Battalion [DAB] is a nullsec corporation and a member of the 4100+ pilot Solyaris Chtonium [SLYCE], a well-established sov-holding alliance.

Join our Discord to have a chat.

Looking for:
PVE and PVP Pilots
Participation in all CTA and REDPEN fleets

Leadership: djNME Fintroll Andr4de
Diplomacy: Fintroll djNME Andr4de
Mergers: Fintroll djNME Andr4de

Killboard: DAB Killboard
Public Channel : D.A.B. Chat
Recruitment : Fly an Interceptor? Talk to us.
Home: Etherium Reach

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-21 19:33:24
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