Damntion certified pre-owned ship dealership (ships w/ rigs) Authorized pre-owned Sales Ship List before rigs.
Chase Freedom Unlimited\xaeJust info:Inherent Implants \'Highwall\' Mining Upgrades MU-1003 Mining Amount Bonus 3%
Inherent Implants \'Highwall\' Mining Upgrades MU-1005 Mining Amount Bonus 5%
Mining Foreman Mindlink +25% bonus to Mining Foreman Burst effect strength and duration.
ORE Mining Director Mindlink +25% bonus to Mining Foreman and Shield Command Burst effect strength and duration.
Future Plans:
Blue Moon Mining Teams of 10
Alpha 50 ships each x 5 = 5 fleet/region
Omega 50 ships each x 5 = 5 fleet/region
3 buyers and sellers for ships
3 people to work the market
Blue Moon Mining with 10 Captain\'s to run mining fleets
An assistant or two to help me keep organized'