

Domunation Horde
Name Domunation Horde
Ticker D0M.U
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Undying Vengeance
Members 8
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98437209

Members [8]


Join the Horde, for All Shall Perish!

Domunation Horde
- like Domunation, only more newbie friendly.

We are now recruiting any and all newbros that want to learn the ropes of W-space or participate in group ops with the AII ShaII Perish alliance.

See our recruitment ad for a list of recruiters:
Domunation Horde - Join the HORDE, for All Shall Perish!

Or join our diplo/recruitment channel:

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-25 20:45:53
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