Established in the early days of the Khanid Kingdom in an effort to standardize the local methods of slavery (And provide clear, humane guidelines to ensure the spiritual enlightenment of Edani's flock.) The Duchy Ministry of Slave Affairs acts as an oversight board for the ownership of slaves by non-holders, as well as their sale, education, wellbeing and spiritual education. Furthermore, it acts as the official market for purchase of slaves planetside and serves the Khamsi Household in its efforts to breed, train, and enlighten slaves. It is directly overseen by the
Duchess of Edani VI, her
Countess, and their appointed officials; frequently made up of former slaves, trained clergy, medical officials and advocates.
Khanid OOC, OOC channel for Khanid Loyal/Sympathizing players to co-ordinate
Smoke and Silver, IC channel for Khanid Loyal, Sympathizing characters