

Dunder Mifflin Crater Company
Daughters of Ane
Name Dunder Mifflin Crater Company
Ticker DMIF
Alliance Daughters of Ane
Faction -
Ceo Rheeva Udan
Members 6
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98757584

Members [6]


u'AUTZ - No matter your skill level we have a place for you.

We are looking for players interested in:
\u279b Mining & Industry
\u279b Exploration
\u279b PVP

We Offer:
\u279b Mining Ops with Boosts
\u279b Moon Mining
\u279b Corp Buyback
\u279b Corp Hauling Service
\u279b 2.5% Corp Tax Rate
\u279b Structures for Production, Reactions, Reprocessing

We expect:
\u279b Respect your fellow corp mates
\u279b Willing to learn and grow
\u279b Cooperation & team work

Want to chat to someone?
Join our Public Channel DMIF Public or message Rheeva Udan.

Whether you are a brand new player or a veteran if you haven\'t claimed the 1 million skill point referral yet you still can! By using the Recruitment Link you can claim 1 Million Skill points right away! But don\'t just throw those away - reach out and we can help you with investing those into the best start possible.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-19 09:28:00
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