

Equitatus Of Apocalypse
Name Equitatus Of Apocalypse
Ticker EQUIT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Tristan T'ian
Members 7
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 497907058

Members [7]



Equitatus of Apocalypse

We are looking for:

- Looking for 0.0 capable pvp pilots and capital pilots also under 5 mil sp pilots for our roaming low sec gangs
- Industrial Pilots, for the mining and hauling of all materials in our corporation.
- Mission Runners that will also contribute to the corp.

What we offer.

- A good ship replacement program. Anything up to BC will be covered, over that we will pay 25% towards the cost (All industrials up to t2 are covered as well)

- A very good, laid back gaming community with quite a few good opportunities for advancement. We have serious players as well as the Corp jokers so there is good variety.

- We will build stuff in house for you for only 20% of the market price (some rigs, etc will be built free only need materials supplied)

- We have a PvP training program for the guys wanting to cross over from Indy or Trade that has good tutors, and there is usually an experienced player on most times

Contact T'ian Wei or Lunara Magna if interested

In a large forest, two bunnies frolick around a tree. They frolic, and frolic, jumping on each other's paws in play. Then one of them goes home and buys a bike, which he explodes in the other bunny's face.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 23:49:29
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