

Eridani Light Horse
Name Eridani Light Horse
Ticker ELH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ariana Winston
Members 10
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 330248404

Members [10]


Eridani Light Horse Regiment (ELH) is a small group of like-minded individuals who are looking to create a small but effective production and research corp. Additionally, some of the battalions of the Horsemen are also purely for offensive and defensive ventures.

Although we are small, we have great courage and heart. Take heed for we shall strike when you least expect and throw caution to the wind when cornered. Strength, Courage and Honour.

If you are seeking employment, consider us only if you possess a willingness to work with your corp and your corpmates. Discipline is strict and punishment is fair, but if you cannot stomach the military life, we are not for you.
Basic Trainee Skill Point Requirement: 1,000,000
Basic Trainee Flight Requirement: Flight skill of
Gallente/Caldari Battlecruiser

Recruitment Skill Point Requirements: 2,500,000 minimum
Combat Pilots: Minimum flight requirement: Megathron or Raven
Commerce Pilot: Minimum flight requirement: Iteron V or Badger Mark II
Resource Pilot: Minimum flight requirement: Covetor

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-16 20:08:38
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