

Eternal Seekers of Darkness
Name Eternal Seekers of Darkness
Ticker ESOD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Calebus Phobeus
Members 4
Tax Rate 2.5%
corporationID 821333567

Members [4]


We are the Seekers of the Truth. Loving the plenary freedom. Searching for the ultimate answers.

As brothers, we call for arms in order to fight together against our enemies.
As constructors, we understand that the power to create is the power to destroy
As fighters, we are aware that each time you fight something, you come a step closer for being it.
As workers, we believe in a world that will become better with each step we make.
As shadows, we hide within the light and observed that you can hear more, when you are quiet.
As philosophers, we discovered that the thirst for wisdom is greater than the universe itself
As diplomats, we do not trust in friends, but believe in conflicts.
As seekers, we know that our journey is just about being starting.

You cannot fight what you cannot see...

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-23 19:52:28
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