

Fah King Corp
Name Fah King Corp
Ticker FKING
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo CrazyDevil86
Members 9
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 1810732784

Members [9]


The King from the land of Fah is a great man. Decendant of such nobles as Fah Que, Fah K'meh and Fah Khit. One day the King had a dream. His Fah King dream was to fly amongst the stars and make them his own. So he summoned his finest Fah King subjects and began his quest.

The last thing anybody wanted to do was another Fah King mission or complex. So it was decided a Fah King rampage was better suited to his Fah King needs. His Fah King killing and pillaging has been mistaken for pirateing, but rest assured.... Its all for his Fah King glory.

So let it be said over all the lands.... This is, and will be, the greatest Fah King corp.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 16:52:24
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