

Farscape Mining
Name Farscape Mining
Ticker FARSC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Shrapnel2389
Members 44
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1101739328

Members [44]


Farscape Mining is a U.S. based corp currently recruiting characters in exploration, industry, mining, missions, and PVP.
We don't allow pirates, gankers, or those intent on griefing. We don't accept trial accounts, but new players are welcomed.

What do we offer? Experience.

Eve is a complex game, with a steep learning curve, and sometimes a heavy penalty for mistakes. Our core group is older, and have played off-and-on since the start of the game. We've mentored many new players over the years, so we can show you the ropes without strangling you in them. Things like ship fitting, skill training priorities, implants, or even navigating to a destination can be overwhelming. Or...if you prefer to learn on your own, and just want a good place to hang out and socialize, we've got that too ;)

-You should have a working mic and be willing to make use of Discord for group activites-

Join our public channel: FARSC_PUB if you have questions, or just want to chat.

Diplomacy/Recruiting: Shrapnel2389, Supertex, Tal'medron

In Rememberance Of Caine Domini. (1983-2005)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-11 05:49:36
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