We are a new Corp operating in H-SEC space. We are an industrial and misson running corporation. We have a few goals.
1.) Avoid the taxation without representation of a NPC Corp, We offer a 3% tax rate with 0% tax special events. This means you get to keep more of your hard earned ISK.
2.) Just have fun, Besides the massive cosmos we navigate, there are many many opportunities in New Eden to be explored. Hopefully by building a network of friends, we can all enjoy all New Eden has to offer.
3.) High-Sec is not a Safe Space. We hope to teach new capsuleers the dangers to look out for when operating in High-Sec, and how to mitigate those threats.
4.) Get paid for your contribution. Every active member is a shareholder. What does that mean? Once the corp bills are paid, dividends are distributed among share holders. The harder we work as a team, the more money we get back!
Discord is highly encouraged, but not required.
Have questions? Join our public recruitment channel:
Fauxpont Recruitment