

Feel Good Incorporated
Name Feel Good Incorporated
Ticker -V0X-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Commander Whitford
Members 2
Tax Rate 2.3%
corporationID 98147750

Members [2]


Provi-bloc Friendly

Feel Good Incorporated is a free Development & Manufacturing and security services corporation, currently based in Amarr Hi-Sec and Providence Null-Sec space.

Orca Boosting available!

We perform industry and manufacturing on the borders of providence to help our friends and neighbours supplied with the goods they need.

We also spend time exploring Null-Sec and engaging in combat activities (NRDS) in Providence.

Border with Null-Sec - great deals on null goods!

For our customers we provide high quality T1 & T2 goods built to order and delivered to stations all over New Eden.

Raitarus and Astrahus available for all Industry needs - tax free!

For our members we offer R&D slots at our Starbase as well as safe & secure handling of goods.

Join The Feel Good Pub for a chat!

Thinking of joining? We are recruiting now!
We provide:
* A friendly and informal environment.
* Regular mining & mission fleets.
* Raitaru slots for R&D and manufacturing.
* High standings with R&D agents.
* Access to Providence null-sec

Open to all pilots both rookie and veteran!

Speak to Commander Whitford for more details.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-19 08:06:58
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