\u03a9 Fraternal Order Of The Self Righteous Dickheads \u03a9
fra\u22c5ter\u22c5nal\u2002 \u2002[fruh-tur-nl]
1. of or befitting a brother or brothers; brotherly.
2. of or being a society of men associated in brotherly union, as for mutual aid or benefit: a fraternal order; a fraternal association.
self-right\u22c5eous\u2002 \u2002[self-rahy-chuhs, self-]
confident of one's own righteousness, esp. when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.
dick-head (d\u012dk'h\u011bd')
n. Vulgar Slang
1. any guy who insists that only he is right
a.) John is such a dickhead...why can't I be right sometimes???
2.) any guy that treats other like shit.
Yeah, that about sums us up.
\u03a9 A company based out of Goldenvale \u03a9"
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-18 19:42:28