

Free Traders Industrial Incorporated Union
Name Free Traders Industrial Incorporated Union
Ticker FTIIU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Darakone
Members 2
Tax Rate 20%
corporationID 783079822

Members [2]


A incorporated union of free industrial traders.


All members will be assigned roles after a short period of time. Roles will be assigned based upon Eve Play experiance and player interest.

Members are required to participate in corp mining ops unless other wise approved by the CEO and/or VP.

Members are required to pay monthly Union dues of 5MIL ISK through one of two ways.
1. direct donation of ORE or Minerals to the Union.
2. direct payment of 5MIL ISK per month or 50MIL for the year, no refunds.

10% of total corp profit will be divided to all corp members at the end of each month, base upon amount of shares they own.

Corp members are required to mine one load of ORE for the corp at least once a week or four times a month.

Any member that refers another player to the Union which becomes an active member will be recongnized and paid a bonus in the amount of 10MIL ISK. (this is paid after a short period of time deemed to show player involvement).

Belittlement, disrespect, or offensive discussions will not be tolerated and may result in either a fine or dismemberment from the Union.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-11 05:37:34
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